Wednesday, September 01, 2010

No, these are not more pictures from our beach trip a few weeks ago, they are new pictures from the trip we took yesterday. We love when Morgan has time off! I know, some of you are wondering if he really is doing his residency or if we just came to Florida to retire! But all good rotations end, and believe me, Morgan has his work cut out for him.

Catching some made-for-Max waves...

and also some baby sister waves.

Did I mention that on our last trip a Seagull grabbed food out of Max's hand while he was eating it? So now London has to chase them all away from him while he shouts random things like "Sqwaking like that doesn't make me like you any better!!" while he hides behind me.

Some sort of squid (or Octopus, as Morgan insists) that he and Max found.

Great way to start the trip home...too bad they woke up with still an hour and a half left to drive!

Also, I just want to say Congratulations to Lindsey and Whit on their new baby girl, Maggie! We love you guys and are so excited for you!! This little girl is so lucky to be born into a family with such amazing love and strength. We'll be praying hard for you these next few weeks and months.


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Soo fun! I love the picture of max on the wave. And London is so stinkin cute. I am happy you get to enjoy your hubby.

mk said...

Fun, Fun, Fun, and more. So lucky to be by the ocean.

Redd family said...

How fun, your kids are adorable as always. Miss you.