Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trip to La Chua Sink

Yesterday Morgan and I took the kids to the La Chua Sink, it's kind of an alligator habitat. Let me just say, the pictures do not do these alligators justice...they were HUGE. I am not kidding, I was terrified. There is a lookout set up and you go and just kind of look over the water and wait. That's when you see bubbles start emerging and slowly a gigantic head breaks the surface...and bit by bit, he completely floats to the top of the water. And whoa. They are every bit as scary as people make them out to be. They would come right up to the lookout terrace and just stare at us. Like they were plotting. Over the hour we were there, we saw about 6 different ones, one small one that wasn't so terrifying, but the others were bigger than Morgan. I'm glad I waited to take the kids until he could come. I think I would have had a nervous breakdown there without him. The kids definitely thought it was amazing. London actually got a little too hot and tired at the end and sulked the whole walk back to the car. I started teasing her and she got even madder! She folded her arms, pouted her lip, stuck her chin in the air, and stalked off. Oh, London Lewis cakes, you make us laugh! (That's Max's nickname for her, by the way)


mk said...

Wow! That is all I can say. WOW!! and thanks for sharing.

Norton Family said...

CREEPY! the pix scared me! i don't know what i'd do if i saw one for real. yeck!