Monday, August 23, 2010

First day!

Max's first day went great! He loves his class, loves his teacher, and loves having a break from me...sniff sniff.
It was a relief that at the end of school, he was excited to see me and come home. London and I were glad to have him back!!

His brand new school!

Thanks for my awesome shoes, Grammie Mathie!

At the fountain in front of his school...doesn't he look thrilled?!

Finding his cubby to put his backpack in.


mk said...

Yay Max!!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh my! That makes me want to cry and smile at the same time. He is getting so big! Love the pictures..good luck Max. We love you!

Danielle O. said...

Way to go Max! He looks so cute and nervous in that one picture. Luke goes in a couple of weeks so I need to show him pics of "Max from Arizona" going to preschool to make him less scared.
We have been thinking about you guys lots this summer. I hope you are adjusting and enjoying the new place. Looks like you have some great beaches nearby. Wishing I could be sitting at one right now!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

He looks soo grown up. He will have so much fun.

Jenny said...

So dang cute! I can't believe our kids are in PRESCHOOL!!!

Redd family said...

He seriously looks older!! Sad! And who is that ADORABLE girl in the tutu next to him in the last pic, London? seriously? too cute! stop them from growing THIS INSTANT!!

Redd family said...

Okay, I just made the picture bigger, that's not London. I should have told you I've had to go without contacts for the last month from an eye infection and I'm not good at wearing my glasses!! I'm so blonde. Sorry, but she could be that big for heaven's sake!!

Brooke Allison said...

Look how cute and grown up he looks! I miss that little guy!