Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day BBQ

This last Labor Day we spent relaxing at my friend Courtney's house for a BBQ. She and her husband totally outdid themselves and we had a fantastic time! Their backyard is every kid's dream come true complete with hammock, HUGE playground, sandbox, and room to run around like crazy...which of course they did. London and Max's faces were dark red and they were covered in sweat within 10 mins. but they didn't care at all. I wish I had a before/after shot of London's was savage-like by the end of the night!
Thanks, Courtney, for being such a great host!!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Looks like fun! I have been awful at taking my camera anywhere.

Jenny said...

You guys rock. You're always doing such fun things. LUCKY kids to have such cute parents!

Cliff and Courtney's Family said...

Hey thanks for coming and taking the only pictures, so I will have to steal them from you! I will never forget London's wild hair when she came out of the tunnel....that was the funniest thing I have ever seen