Friday, October 30, 2009

London's big day!

I decorated the house with butterflies. London loved going around and pulling them all down.

Opening presents....thanks Gramma and Papa Bill for my Bitty Baby!!

Taking a stroll in her new tutu

More presents... love that hair!
Anthem park. FREEZING cold and of course I forgot her jacket. But it was fun anyways!
Riding the train...through the 60 degree weather....

Bonjour, Butterfly! cake

mmm..... can you pass me a cupcake, too??
Loving more presents! Thanks Grammie, Papa Mark, Uncle Logan, Uncle Taylor, Arica, Lindsey, Whit, and Jonas... whew! The outfit and toys were too much! She loved it all!
Loves her new Princess book!

And her doll!! Better give her kisses.

And of course, we had to Build-A-Bear! London got a Tinkerbell Bear...

...and Max got a Bat Bear! Which London wanted to trade for...

Thanks to all our family that made her day extra special! The gifts were all wonderful and she loved every single thing!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday London!

Little miss, little miss,
Oh how you twirl!
We love you so much,
you're our sweet little girl!
From when you wake up,
to when you fall down,
You are the smiliest
duchess around.
I love how you ooh
and grunt when you walk.
You've got so much to say,
You sure like to "talk"!
You leave no drawer unopened,
no room unturned
you're one busy baby
I have quickly learned.
You adore your brother,
and he loves you, too
You follow him around
and he chases you.
The giggles you give
would make anyone melt.
You have the sweetest spirit
I'm sure everyone's felt.
You're my cuddly bug
who loves to give kisses.
I sure love you, London,
Loads of birthday wishes!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mother Nature's Farm

This last weekend we took the kids to a little farm out in Mesa that has all sorts of fall activities for kids. Max got to pick out a pumpkin and decorate it, take a hay ride, see some animals, run through a maze, and play in a bounce house, all for $7!
London kind of just tromped around, loving the animals and pumpkins. The weather was even nice for us and we all got to wear, gasp, JEANS! Of course, by the time we were ready to go, Max was red-faced and "sweating his stinkin' guts out!"

The hay ride that took us around what we can only describe as a Phoenix farm. Think junkyard.

This kid can RUN

London loved sticking her head in the hole. She thinks she is sooo funny!

Can I have one dad? PLEASE??

Photo op at the entrance

By the Way...

My phone is caput.
If you need to chat, call me at home. OR you can call me on Morgan's cell because TADA! He is FINALLY HOME!
To any of you trying to get ahold of me by calling or text and are mad that I'm not responding, now you know. SORRY! It's been out since last Friday.
Should be back in commission by the end of the week...we'll see!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Halloween Crafts

I just LOVE Halloween decorations (who doesn't!?) and have had fun making a few these past few weeks (in my extra no-husband time). Here are some samples:
Halloween Countdown

Jenny Coates totally hooked me up with this one. I love how it turned out and can't wait to get started on my Christmas one!!

Paper Bag scrapbooks

Siri showed me this idea and I LOVE it! You just use scrapbook paper, ribbon, and stickers on folded up lunch sacks and add your own Halloween pictures.

Autumn Embroidery Project

Jenn let me have this pattern and I'm so excited it's finished! Now all I need to do is get it framed. Too bad nowhere down here is as cool as the Wood Connection in Salt Lake. Guess I'm just going to have to find a way to get up there...

Why I don't make my bed anymore

Yes, Max pulled my step bench up to the foot of the bed so he could help London up.

Oh, Max

Me: Max, please don't throw mom's nice pillows!
Max: Oh, I can only throw the mean ones?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Disney Store Halloween Party

We have been talking about and anticipating the Disney Store Halloween party for WEEKS now! When Grammie came down and bought the kids their costumes, we got the flyer and I have been so excited to take the kids to it!
Max was in his adorable costume HOURS before the event...
We had to wake London up from her afternoon nap in order to get there on time for the door prize....
Which was a tiny flashing light.
The fun game they promised was "Hot Potato" (on the FLOOR OF THE MALL!!!) with a stuffed Mickey. Max did not understand the game (neither did the rest of the kids.) He kept throwing the Mickey at the Disney Store employee.
He was pretty much done after a few rounds and wanted to leave.
FINALLY he made it to the last round and when he lost, he got up so happy and said "I WON!"
His prize was getting to leave.
At least the kids looked stinkin' adorable in their costumes!! Thanks Grammie!

Please stop throwing the Mickey doll at me, Peter Pan! (Like I could do anything, I was holding London and my purse, guarding my stroller, trying to keep an eye on Max to make sure a mall perv didn't take off with him.)

Seriously, can we leave yet?!

Guess we'd better take a trip to Disneyland to make up for it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

For Jonas

Hey, everyone,
Please take a minute to read this blog:
I know that most of my friends reading this are in the same circumstances I am with money, being in med school, and I know it's a whole lot easier being on the receiving end of charity at this stage in our lives, but I also know that this is a cause worth sacrificing for. President Monson gave a great talk this last conference about how for his birthday, he wished everyone everywhere would pick one random act of kindness to do for another person. Well, this is a chance I'm offering to you, aren't I nice!;)
But seriously, this family couldn't be more deserving. Little Jonas is the biggest sweetheart. And I have never seen more devoted parents anywhere. Heavenly Father trusted the right people to send Jonas to, of that I have no doubt.
And even if you don't have the means to donate anything, please please please put them in your prayers.

Now as Max would say, "High five. Bones. Let's rock, let's rock today. Bye!"
Linds and fam

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Is it time to go to Jack's yet???

This is what I heard for 2 days straight. And I only told him about Jack's Halloween party to get him to stop asking about Disneyland! You see the dilema?
So, yes, an hour before Jack's party, I let Max get into his much anticipated and talked about Peter Pan costume. Then the minute countdown began. 3 o'clock could not come fast enough for this little boy. And when dad showed up early and surprised us, Max was not even phased, he just said "Bye, dad, I'm going to Jacks!" Of course London was napping and when I went in to wake her up, she was snoring. Tell me you would wake your child up and I'll tell you you're full of it. Yea, she got left behind with dad.
At 3 o'clock we hit the road and when Max walked into Jack's, I could tell it was everything he had dreamed of and more. Everyone in their cute costumes, a treasure hunt, pin the parrot on the pirate game, and CUPCAKES! He was in heaven.
A big thanks to Sarah for hosting what was the hit of this little boys life!
We should have costume parties more often, I think:)

Batman and Catwoman

Catwoman Ella flirting with Pirate Connor

Daring Duo

The gang minus Parker and Hunter

This is all I wanted anyways!

Don't even think about it, mom. This is MY cupcake and I'm NOT letting go!