Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Birthday London!

Little miss, little miss,
Oh how you twirl!
We love you so much,
you're our sweet little girl!
From when you wake up,
to when you fall down,
You are the smiliest
duchess around.
I love how you ooh
and grunt when you walk.
You've got so much to say,
You sure like to "talk"!
You leave no drawer unopened,
no room unturned
you're one busy baby
I have quickly learned.
You adore your brother,
and he loves you, too
You follow him around
and he chases you.
The giggles you give
would make anyone melt.
You have the sweetest spirit
I'm sure everyone's felt.
You're my cuddly bug
who loves to give kisses.
I sure love you, London,
Loads of birthday wishes!


Liz said...

cutest poem ever!! you're so creative. happy birthday miss london!!

mk said...

Happy Birthday London!! Seems like yesterday!

Brooke Allison said...

Happy Birthday London!!!

hilary said...

darling poem, lindsay! oh she is such a doll and i can't believe how fast one year has gone.

Norton Family said...

since when are you a poet? it was seriously adorable! we miss seeing your kids grow up but feel like we get a piece of it when we see all your cute posts. give them a kiss from us!!

Carlie and Ryan Skinner said...

I can't believe how old she is! great poem. Happy birthday little girl!