Friday, October 30, 2009

London's big day!

I decorated the house with butterflies. London loved going around and pulling them all down.

Opening presents....thanks Gramma and Papa Bill for my Bitty Baby!!

Taking a stroll in her new tutu

More presents... love that hair!
Anthem park. FREEZING cold and of course I forgot her jacket. But it was fun anyways!
Riding the train...through the 60 degree weather....

Bonjour, Butterfly! cake

mmm..... can you pass me a cupcake, too??
Loving more presents! Thanks Grammie, Papa Mark, Uncle Logan, Uncle Taylor, Arica, Lindsey, Whit, and Jonas... whew! The outfit and toys were too much! She loved it all!
Loves her new Princess book!

And her doll!! Better give her kisses.

And of course, we had to Build-A-Bear! London got a Tinkerbell Bear...

...and Max got a Bat Bear! Which London wanted to trade for...

Thanks to all our family that made her day extra special! The gifts were all wonderful and she loved every single thing!


Danielle O. said...

Happy Birthday London!
I can't even believe that you are 1. It looked like a super fun and girlie day and you are way too cute! Expect Luke to come a callin' in the next few years!

Z Family said...


mk said...

SO SO cute! Arizona seems so far away today!

Redd family said...

So cute! Happy Birthday Miss London! Sorry we missed out on such a fun day. Jack and Ella would have loved the butterflies. The tutu turned out so cute! Love all the pink! Miss you guys.