Monday, October 26, 2009

Mother Nature's Farm

This last weekend we took the kids to a little farm out in Mesa that has all sorts of fall activities for kids. Max got to pick out a pumpkin and decorate it, take a hay ride, see some animals, run through a maze, and play in a bounce house, all for $7!
London kind of just tromped around, loving the animals and pumpkins. The weather was even nice for us and we all got to wear, gasp, JEANS! Of course, by the time we were ready to go, Max was red-faced and "sweating his stinkin' guts out!"

The hay ride that took us around what we can only describe as a Phoenix farm. Think junkyard.

This kid can RUN

London loved sticking her head in the hole. She thinks she is sooo funny!

Can I have one dad? PLEASE??

Photo op at the entrance


Liz said...

your kids are soooo cute! look at london and the pumpkin! i miss them!! when are you guys coming up?! cuz we're too poor to come down.

Danielle O. said...

Looks fun, I love pumpkin patches! I love the kids' costumes too. Luke is on my lap right now and just looked at the first picture and, mommy I think that is Mowgan

mk said...

Miss Miss Miss.....