Thursday, April 30, 2009

What the?

The other night I peeked in on Max while he was in bed and found this. Bandit always sleeps on Max's bed until I go to bed, but usually he is at the end of the bed, not snuggled up right beside him. To me it looks like he's protecting Max from falling off of the bed. Such a sweet dog!

(By the way, this is how Bandit sleeps with me ALL NIGHT, except a little bit more on my head. Sometimes I can't even lift my head because he's sleeping on my hair...but we love our little Bandito!!)

Happy 6 months, London! (yesterday)

Yesterday London turned 6 months old. We went in for her doctor appt and found out she weighs almost 16 lbs.(50th%) and is 27" long (94th%). She did not like her shots, obviously, but only cried for a second afterwards. And of course, Max yelled at the nurse who gave her the shots. He is a very protective older brother.
We also had Max's check-up to save on visits. The doctor was very impressed with his 50th% for height and 25th% for weight. He said that kids are getting so chubby these days that it's better to be under average than above average because the average is leaning toward obese. I thought that was very interesting. Max definitely eats his fair share of fruit and vegetables, that's for sure!
I really am so blessed to have 2 amazing and healthy kids. They are so sweet and so loving. And it's an added bonus that they adore each other:) They make me smile every day (some days more than others) and I am so grateful to have them.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm gonna knock you out!

My rad friend Hilary lent me her Turbo Jam workout dvd and this is part of the routine...
Pretty soon he'll be teaching his own class!

Some fun with London

LOVES reading Goodnight Gorilla before bed

Max is very protective of his "lil' sis"

Loves her Christmas present from Grammie and Papa Mark

...loves it so much she's eating it....

Has to have the blankie's shoved up in her face to go to sleep

Max cracks me up!

The other night when Max was getting his jammie's on, he started pulling them up really high and laughing. Then he said, "I look like Papa Mark!" Hee, hee....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Did they forget me?

Thanks, Gramma and Papa Bill for such a fun weekend!
We wish you could have stayed longer, but we understand that between working, Ole & Ida, dialysis, and planning a wedding, you're spread pretty thin as it is.
Oh, and no more teasing Max about coming to stay up in Utah with you!! He sure was sad when he woke up and discovered that you had left without him...maybe next time??
We love you guys, thanks for all you do!!
PS. And sorry we were all sick. Thanks for putting up with all of our runny noses and coughs!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Making London laugh

Tub buddies!

Max is the biggest sweetheart! He lets her play with all of his toys and holds on tight to her so she won't fall. He is such a protective older brother!

Spiderman and Venom

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

Easter crafts for "school"

Easter Egg Hunt

New church outfits

Easter dinner with friends (and another Easter egg hunt, thanks Siri and Sarah!)

What we've been up to

Kite Flying (thanks, Lindsey, Whit, and Jonas!)

Playing with friends

London's first bonk

Max's tumbling class

And as always, playing Prince Caspian

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Present Time!

The big 3!!

Favorite breakfast, love those blueberries!!

These are all mine?!!

Cool new tent and tunnel! Thanks Grammie and Papa Mark!

Seriously, this is so cool!

Wait, what the? It sticks! AWESOME! Thanks Uncle Taylor and Arica!

My new knight costume and fish book! Thanks Gramma and Papa Bill!

Any of those presents for me??

Chick-fil-a for dinner was a hit!

Max definitely had a laid back birthday this year. For some reason I was too overwhelmed with the idea of throwing him a theme party and I'm glad I ended up not doing it as 2 of the 4 friends were sick on his actual b-day and wouldn't have come anyways. So, such it is. He had a ball playing with his gifts (and his best buddy Jack Redd) all day so thank you everyone for spoiling him. He had a great birthday!