Thursday, April 30, 2009

What the?

The other night I peeked in on Max while he was in bed and found this. Bandit always sleeps on Max's bed until I go to bed, but usually he is at the end of the bed, not snuggled up right beside him. To me it looks like he's protecting Max from falling off of the bed. Such a sweet dog!

(By the way, this is how Bandit sleeps with me ALL NIGHT, except a little bit more on my head. Sometimes I can't even lift my head because he's sleeping on my hair...but we love our little Bandito!!)


Jenn said...

oh that is too cute! (as I'm typing this, joe decided to jump up on my "mouse" hand help me by snuggling my arm while I'm on the computer. Sorry, but you gotta love snuggly pets!)
max is so cute.

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Happy 6 months London...we love you! She is the most beautiful little girl. I love how Max is sleeping, too. Very cute.
Nope, I don't have a swimsuit from shade..It's a very old black one that I had. I think I got it when we went to Hawaii with you the first time.
Anyway, love the pictures as always.

Danielle O. said...

That is the best picture! Could we maybe borrow Bandit though? Luke doesn't sleep unless someone is snuggling him just like that. Lucky Max!

Liz said...

that's the funniest thing i've ever seen. pictures like this make it easier for me when ally takes over my bed because it's all out of love.