Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

Easter crafts for "school"

Easter Egg Hunt

New church outfits

Easter dinner with friends (and another Easter egg hunt, thanks Siri and Sarah!)


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Ah man, I miss you all! London is getting big! She is beautiful. I'm glad that you liked the kite...Jonas got one from the Easter bunny, but we'll see if the weather is ever nice enough to use it. LOVE the costumes that Max wears!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I loved your easter outfits. You're kids are always darling!!!
I loved the post below with the kite flying, I miss those days!

Redd family said...

Your kids looked adorable on Sunday! London is such a little lady.

mk said...

Looking SO cute!!! Loved our Easter Egg pictures, Max. You are such a great artist!! They are so cute and colorful! LOVEYOU!!

Jenn said...

Kate is going to be so excited about having matching jammies with Mats.
Those Easter Sunday pics are adorable- how cute! I couldn't get a picture of all of us together because KATE managed to get marker on her dress (I'm sorry, dry-erase marker) at church. Yup. That is fun.
Egg hunt looks like fun! Too bad Max is going to graduate from high school before he hits kindergarten. Good thing you home school your poor kids. Nerd. (sorry, mom. nice words: Um, home-schooler)