Sunday, April 05, 2009

And the next U.S. President is...


Redd family said...

It's nice to see another Obama supporter.

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

He has my vote...does he need a campaign manager?

mk said...

WOW!!! VERY impressive!!

Liz said...

SOOOOOO cute!! that's my nephew!

Jenn said...

LOL! Kate just keeps SHOUTING "Again! Again! Again! Again, mommy! Again!" She LOVES MAXIMUS!!! Oh, that is too funny.
I'm such a nerd. I've been trying to teach Kate the Articles of Faith. Just goes to show how unintelligent WE are... hahha.

Norton Family said...

holy crap!! that's amazing!! way to go Mrs. Lindsay- your're a great teacher! (can you teach Spencer when we're in Newport???)