Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Swimming with friends

On Monday we were invited to go swimming with some ward friends. We got there a little late so Max was pretty much the last one in the pool, but he prefers it that way:) It was so much fun!! It's great now that he can actually be invovled in things like that!!
Also, Max had his 1 year doctor appt. today. He is 21 lbs. (no weight gain since his last appt. which they say is normal since he started walking then), which is 35th percentile, 30.5 inches tall, which is 75th percentile, and his head is in the 55th percentile. So, tall and skinny with a big head? No, he's perfect and we love him!!

1 comment:

mk said...

I am glad to see that you still like those little balls. Are they the same ones we got here??
