Monday, April 02, 2007

Max's FIRST Birthday!!

Yesterday was Max's 1st birthday! We all got up and opened his great presents from his Grandpa and Grammie Mathie and Aunt and Uncles. He LOVES to stand on his new little people garage and has only fallen once so far. He loves to wack his new baseball toy and carries the bat around the house....which makes Bandit a little nervous. Then he went down for an early nap and woke up to MORE presents from me and Morgan (note: not a good idea to do presents during conference, kinda defeats the purpose....). We got him a mini piano, a Cars ball, some books, a couple of bath toys and sand toys, and a new Baby Einstein DVD which he LOVES! It's the new signing video and it's really cute. Then we had lunch and he went down for another nap and Morgan and I got his party ready. All of his (our) friends came over around 5 and we had a little birthday dinner and watched a DVD of all of the pictures of Max over the past year. His friends, although they weren't supposed to, brought lots of great gifts and he is loving every one of them. They were all very impressed with his walking and ball handling "skills." He was a little shy and cranky late in the evening, due to a little diaper rash and too much partying. He didn't get any cake which was sad but he was definitely not interested. Maybe next year he'll be more understanding of what a treat cake is?! I'll just have to teach him the joy of eating sweets;) Anyways, thanks to everyone for all your gifts! He is definitely one spoiled kid but we love him so much and can't believe it's already been a year since he was born. It makes me want another one, but you all know Morgan! That won't be happening any time soon.

Hope you all enjoy the pictures!! We have a lot going on this week so I will be sure to post more as soon I can. Happy April Fool's Day, by the way!


Darger Party of 3 said...

Happy Birthday Max!!!!! I cannot believe it has already been a year!!

mk said...

Happy Birthday Max!! We love you. It looks like you had a very fun day. You have such a wonderful mom and dad. We MISS you!!