Friday, April 06, 2007

Last night the husbands had to study late for their Friday morning test (this weekend Morgan has to study for a test on Monday, then after that one he has one next Friday, then another one a week from Monday. That means some major late nights over the next few weeks!) so the girls got together for dinner. Here are some pictures of Max and Parker playing around and watching the "big kids" outside in the backyard. It was so funny to watch them, they wanted to go outside so badly but it was a definite no because they still eat the rocks!! Max and Parker are really starting to get along and it's cute to watch them walk around together, hand things to each other, and take things from each other. Looks like their going to be good buddies!!

Also, here are some pictures of Max playing with his new birthday present from the Mathie's. He mostly likes to gather his shoes up and put them on top like their cars or he likes to stand on it and yell until I help him down. Such a funny boy!
Thanks, Mathie's, for the Easter book and bunny! Max loves it!! It's an adorable story!
We are going to have an Easter Dinner at our friends this weekend so I'll post some of the pictures from that when we get them. Happy Easter everyone!!

1 comment:

mk said...

Happy Easter!! I am so glad that you have a fun day planned!