Tuesday, April 16, 2013

And on to Fort Lauderdale

Haha, ah London.

We have eaten more Del Taco this month than ever...William is definitely a fan!

Oh London. You make us laugh, that's for sure!

On our balcony. I about had a nervous breakdown waiting for this picture to be taken. Can't stand the kids on the balcony!!

In front of our hotel getting ready to head out to dinner...we walked around For Lauderdale all night...the kids were such troopers!

On our way home we stayed in Orlando...get off the balcony Max!

In the lobby getting ready to head to Disney with some very tired kids.

Rapunzel's new area in Disneyworld...the floating laterns were beautiful!

And they're out...but we still had hours to go!

And a parade to see!

And rides to ride!

Our hotel...right on the beach...gorgeous!

Pool addicts

Playing in Dino-land

Giving dad some loves, Willie style. Some slaps and a few pinches thrown in for good measure.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Mathie's take Miami

And are never going back. Once was definitely enough for us!
My handsome boys

Willie waving to his fans

This kid LOVES the beach. He loved the sand, he loved the water, and he loved the birds!

London is at home on the beach...sand + water = happy girl

The water was GORGEOUS but we also enjoyed the resorts pools and hot tubs. Every night these kids were wiped out!

A view of our hotel and the the cute kids staying there

Max going to the bathroom...heehee, just kidding, he's adjusting to the cool water, he says.

Wish they'd pass out this early every night!

Of course London would nap and stay up til 10. When it was time to be quiet, she would just turn on her lamp and "read" from the hotel Bible. She seriously cracks me up ALL DAY!

Morgan teaching them how to survive if you're stranded on a desert island. You put the lime in the coconut...

I chase the birds!

Little mermaid and Willie can be flounder.

William LOVES being thrown in the air and dropped in the water.  This kid is a nightmare around the pool, though. Just walks right in and when he gets  a face full of water and comes up coughing, he is all smiles and giggles. It's going to be a long summer.
The highlight of the trip was stopping at the Temple in Orlando on the way down. The kids have never seen it (shame on us!) but we got out and took some pictures.
Love this crew!
London and Max were off running around by now:)

Monday, April 01, 2013

Something wicked this way comes...

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Max!We celebrated by having a major Harry Potter party with some of his friends. There were potions. There were spells. There was quidditch. And there was cake and butter beer. Of course it was a success! Max was thrilled with it all and that just made all the hard work worth it. I love this guy to pieces and would do anything for him:) Happy Birthday, lil' dude!

 It was a birdcage cake complete with Owl. Which little Willie would not let out of his sight.

 Loving his new hat from dad
 Thanks to all the grandparents for their wonderful gifts! Hours of lego and nerf ahead of us!
 Rockin' the new rollerblades...he is a little hesitant...if you can't tell!
 ...especially with this little one grabbing on for a ride!
 I have to include this picture of the amazing "brick wall" the kids had to run though to come to Hogwart's. My friend Camille made it and it seriously was INCREDIBLE! Made out of a shower curtain! I want to put it up at Christmas with a fireplace drawn on it, it's seriously that cool!

 Kiddos playing quidditch...
 and making potions.
Whoa whoa! Here's to a great start at being 7!!

Hoppy Easter!

This last week we were lucky enough to have Morgan home on vacation and Max was on spring break as well and all I can say is that if this is any indication of how summer is going to be, sign me up! We had so much fun relaxing and enjoying the break that it just flew by!! We finished with an amazing Easter weekend and then to top it off, Max's birthday and his party. It was a weekend full of Easter eggs and Harry Potter spells, that's for sure!!
Our Saturday started off with a beautiful Easter egg hunt and picnic at the park with some friends

On Sunday the Easter bunny came AFTER church (so considerate of him!) and Morgan made Easter dinner for the missionaries and we had a wonderful Easter lesson, talking about life and resurrection and all the family and friends we will see again one day.

London and Will crashed watching a show...what an amazing weekend!