Monday, April 01, 2013

Hoppy Easter!

This last week we were lucky enough to have Morgan home on vacation and Max was on spring break as well and all I can say is that if this is any indication of how summer is going to be, sign me up! We had so much fun relaxing and enjoying the break that it just flew by!! We finished with an amazing Easter weekend and then to top it off, Max's birthday and his party. It was a weekend full of Easter eggs and Harry Potter spells, that's for sure!!
Our Saturday started off with a beautiful Easter egg hunt and picnic at the park with some friends

On Sunday the Easter bunny came AFTER church (so considerate of him!) and Morgan made Easter dinner for the missionaries and we had a wonderful Easter lesson, talking about life and resurrection and all the family and friends we will see again one day.

London and Will crashed watching a show...what an amazing weekend!


mk said...

They look SO adorable! Really cute in their yellow. You guys do so many fun things. Awesome to see it all.

Liz said...

Cutest outfits! I love how they coordinate!