Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe how fast Christmas came and went this year. I really believe like I blinked my eyes and it was over! We had so many fun things keeping us busy that before I knew it, we were already taking down Christmas decorations and getting ready for William's first birthday!
Cookie decorating with friends
Doing some fun projects Buddy the Elf left...
And of course, the big Christmas Eve dinner with some good friends. The kids were so stinking cute doing the Nativity that I could barely stand it!!
London preparing Will for his role as baby Jesus
London making sure Will did his part...
Will was thrilled.
Christmas morning! Spoiled little kids!
Merry Christmas!!


mk said...

Looks like you all did very well!! Happy New Year!!

Liz said...

So fun! Freaking cutest kids. London's hair is so long!!!