Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, William!

Happy Birthday, little man! Can't believe my chill little guy is already 1! He is so full of love, spunk, patience (with his mom and sister) and heart. Already walking, trying to keep up with Max and London, he is on the go from sun up to sun down. And all hours in between, I might add. His favorites include Gangnam Style, his new Tigger toy from Grammie, scrambled eggs, and terrorizing Bandit. His zombie walk has us in stitches all day. The chubby guy will laugh at anything and is so easy to please, I hope he never changes. Happy birthday, are our sunshine!


mk said...

Happy Birthday!!! Sir WILL, we sure love you!!

Jenkins Family said...

Oh how time flies!! I swear just yesterday we were all pregnant!

Liz said...

SO HANDSOME!! Love you Sir Will!!