Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy Fakesgiving!

How could I forget to post about our awesome Thanksgiving? We got to celebrate it early this year and boy did we have an awesome day. We even tried to sneak a movie in but for some weird reason, it was sold out. Go figure. There are only 2 theaters in Gainesville so I guess we should have thought of that. But it was William's first Thanksgiving and he sure loved everything! I think his favorite was the Jello, of course. But he really did like the sweet potato pie I made, too, and that made me happy. He is my little tank and is so good about stuffing himself silly. LOVE IT! Max and London loved spending the real Thanksgiving helping me put up our Charlie Brown Christmas tree and the rest of the decorations. We had a great week off from school and life and just lazed idea of paradise!!


mk said...

Adorable. Kids look so cute!

Liz said...

That second picture of Will in the bathroom is SUCh a London face. They are so cute!!