Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gaylord Palms

Morgan had a conference this week down in Orlando and we used it as an excuse to have a mid-week family vacation. The hotel was the highlight for the kids, they loved the alligators, snakes, and turtles they had and the swimming pool, that could have been Christmas right there. It was insane! We had so much fun and especially loved getting some much needed dad time. Even though he was at the conference most of the time, it's more than we've seen of him these past few weeks and we loved being with him the most. Oh, and the kids liked seeing Wreck it Ralph second best:)
Not scared of the water. At all. This TERRIFIES me.


Liz said...

How fun!!! Max is getting so grown up, it makes me sad!! Looks like a blast!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

I never mentioned how fun this looked!! And what kind of name is Gaylord...hehehe!