Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, William!

Happy Birthday, little man! Can't believe my chill little guy is already 1! He is so full of love, spunk, patience (with his mom and sister) and heart. Already walking, trying to keep up with Max and London, he is on the go from sun up to sun down. And all hours in between, I might add. His favorites include Gangnam Style, his new Tigger toy from Grammie, scrambled eggs, and terrorizing Bandit. His zombie walk has us in stitches all day. The chubby guy will laugh at anything and is so easy to please, I hope he never changes. Happy birthday, are our sunshine!

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe how fast Christmas came and went this year. I really believe like I blinked my eyes and it was over! We had so many fun things keeping us busy that before I knew it, we were already taking down Christmas decorations and getting ready for William's first birthday!
Cookie decorating with friends
Doing some fun projects Buddy the Elf left...
And of course, the big Christmas Eve dinner with some good friends. The kids were so stinking cute doing the Nativity that I could barely stand it!!
London preparing Will for his role as baby Jesus
London making sure Will did his part...
Will was thrilled.
Christmas morning! Spoiled little kids!
Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy Fakesgiving!

How could I forget to post about our awesome Thanksgiving? We got to celebrate it early this year and boy did we have an awesome day. We even tried to sneak a movie in but for some weird reason, it was sold out. Go figure. There are only 2 theaters in Gainesville so I guess we should have thought of that. But it was William's first Thanksgiving and he sure loved everything! I think his favorite was the Jello, of course. But he really did like the sweet potato pie I made, too, and that made me happy. He is my little tank and is so good about stuffing himself silly. LOVE IT! Max and London loved spending the real Thanksgiving helping me put up our Charlie Brown Christmas tree and the rest of the decorations. We had a great week off from school and life and just lazed idea of paradise!!

Gaylord Palms

Morgan had a conference this week down in Orlando and we used it as an excuse to have a mid-week family vacation. The hotel was the highlight for the kids, they loved the alligators, snakes, and turtles they had and the swimming pool, that could have been Christmas right there. It was insane! We had so much fun and especially loved getting some much needed dad time. Even though he was at the conference most of the time, it's more than we've seen of him these past few weeks and we loved being with him the most. Oh, and the kids liked seeing Wreck it Ralph second best:)
Not scared of the water. At all. This TERRIFIES me.

Church Nativity

Our stake put on a Nativity display a few weekends ago and we ended up going on 2 different nights. We got to hang out with good friends, listen to beautiful, live music, and look at beautiful Nativity scenes. It was a great way to start the Holidays.

Here is William making new friends with all the ladies...he is such a flirt!