Sunday, April 01, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday, Maximus!

Our family is so much better for having this little boy in it. We love you, Max! Happy birthday!!

We got to celebrate several ways how much we love this little guy...a weekend in Disneyworld, a day at the pool with ALL of his friends, and of course, the traditional Sunday dinner complete with ribs, chicken, salad, corn on the cob, and a Spiderman cake...all his favorites!


mk said...

So glad we gotcha' Max. I still remember that phone call from your mom six years ago. "My water broke, and no it isn't an April Fool's joke!" Love you Max! You are champion to everyone!

Liz said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!!!! Sounds like a rad birthday!

Redd family said...

Happy LATE birthday Max! We love and miss you!!