Friday, April 06, 2012

Sea World

My friend Brittany and I took our kids down to sea world this past week and my oh my did we have fun! We saw the dolphins, we saw the whales, we saw the sharks (which made me almost have a panic attack, I'm not going to lie) and we saw the Manta Rays. Then we hit the kiddie area and the kids went crazy on the rides and at the splash pad. I didn't have a change of clothes for them but luckily Brittany was prepared!
Little W was a champ and snuggled in the bjorn all day. Which is fine with me, even if it is a thousand degrees. Like it was.
We finished the day with a trip to Costco. does not get much better in Florida:)

Manta Rays swimming above us

Dolphin Aquarium...we could have stayed here all day!

W taking a break in the stroller while London got soaked. He absoloutely LOVED the aquariums that you walked through and surrounded you. He would just lay his head backwards and stare up at it in amazement. It was so darling!

I just wanted to grab the kids and hug them after the splash park...anything to cool off!

One thing I'm sad I didn't get a picture of...all day London was trying to hold little Maxwell's hand and he kept shrugging her off...finally FINALLY by the end of the day she convinced him she was alright and they held hands all over the park. Then on the ride home, he was telling the other boys he was going to marry her. That's my girl!

1 comment:

Liz said...

London is going to marry every boy. So cute! Seaworld makes me so sad though, at least the one in California. Maybe Florida's is better.