Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had a great, albeit laid back Easter this year! Woke up early (and exhausted from a late night staying up to watch How to Train your Dragon) and had our Easter Egg hunt while Morgan was just getting off work and getting ready for bed. After church we had a delicious Easter dinner then spent the night decorating Dinosaur Easter eggs and watching How To Train Your Dragon before the kids went to bed. Missing all our friends and family this year...hope you all had a great Easter!!

Max doesn't like to wear much when he sleeps...he's always so stinkin' hot at night! And of course, London rocks the bedhead like nobody's business!

Her curls were SO PRETTY! I love this little Duchess!!

London had to be undressed because she is the messy queen. She still of course dyed her fingers. Max on the other hand, didn't get a drop on him!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

We missed you guys so much! I love Max telling you about the sugar cookies. Such a funny boy! I love the pictures of London passed out from a long swim day. I miss those days.

mk said...

SO so happy to see these pictures. So glad she still likes her ballerina pajamas!!! Max is so darn handsome!! LOVE!

Redd family said...

Cutest Easter outfits! Miss those sleeveless Easter dress days. We were in full cardigans and probably could have used coats too! Missed you this Easter!