Sunday, April 24, 2011

Max's Easter Egg Hunt and picnic at Abacus

On Friday Max had an Easter Egg hunt and picnic at school and that morning as we were getting ready he said to me "The teachers said you could bring cookies if you want." Being the insecure mom that I am, I thought he meant the teachers told the whole class that and I must have missed something. So what do I do? I hurry and throw together a few dozen sugar cookies for his class. Of course when I get there...I am the ONLY one that brought cookies. Yea, Max totally made it up. The teachers were like "Oh, thanks! No, we didn't say anything like that, but we'll sure take 'em!" Stinker.

London helping with the frosting process...she is such a good helper! Doesn't she just make the cutest dishwasher!?!

Max and his buddies after the hunt and waiting for lunch.


mk said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that he tricked you into cookies. WAY to go MAX!!

mk said...

Looks like a ton of fun!