Monday, February 21, 2011

There will be cake

For Valentine's Day, Morgan got me the recipe book I've wanted for MONTHS and the kids and I tested out the Velvet Cake recipe this week. As you can see, it was a huge success!

London is a little peeved because I took the mixer she was licking to get her picture. Don't worry, she got it right back...

Max is a little bit healthier than the rest of us, he smothered the batter on an apple to eat it.

I realized as I was uploading the pix that I didn't take any after shots...I guess we ate it too fast. Which is too bad because it was as beautiful as it was delicious!

1 comment:

mk said...

I cannot believe all of the posts that I have missed. Darling background too. Looks very quilty!! LOVE IT!