Monday, February 21, 2011

Max's Valentine

On Valentine's Day I asked Max who his Valentine was, thinking he'd say me. Nope. Isabella (a girl in his class) because she was always so nice to him. Hmph. Sadly Isabella wasn't at school, but as you can see from the pictures, he had a girl in the wings just in case...(that's Morgan that's got her arm around him. I missed the shot of her resting her head on his shoulder).

Goofy Boys!


Brooke Allison said...

Max is quite the ladies man!

Redd family said...

I keep forgetting your blog is private now! Cute posts! Looks like you've got a little morgan on your hands...max is such a ladies man, I mean who wouldn't die over that hair! And london's curls are so cute. She's so grownup. :(. Sad.

mk said...

What cute pictures. He is a hunk!