Sunday, February 27, 2011

hApPy MaRDi GrAs!

This weekend we hit a MaRdi GrAs party over in Haile Plantation with the kids. There were live bands, fresh food, bounce houses, and tons of beads...what else could anyone want?? We just strolled up and down the street, letting the kids eat their icee and get down with Bob Marley.
My favorite part was when Max was approached by a little girl in a princess costume (people go ALL out down here for parties) and offered him one of her bead necklaces...what's a mom to do?!?
Such a good time, so glad we went!

ps. Morgan had the camera...he missed most of the crowd, decorations, and excitement...but got what was most important, I guess...London's cute outfit!


Nat Heaton said...

Oh my gosh, look at those CUTIES!! Your kids look so grown up! Hope all is going well for you guys.

Norton Family said...

what a fun activity for the kids to go to! looks like they had a blast.

mk said...

What a blast. I talked to my neighbor today that lived in Florida. She said Gainesville is her FAVORITE place in FL. Funny, huh?