Thursday, January 13, 2011

Working on some projects

A few weeks ago Morgan took on the enormous task of repainting our bathroom. I didn't even have a before shot...just imagine 1992..wallpaper with matching valances and all. Here is his finished project:

I love it! The color turned out just exactly like we wanted. I think Morgan enjoyed doing it actually...

...because it was quickly followed with "Project Girlify London's Room"

And the results...

I am in LOVE with her room now. I just want to sit in it and have tea parties and play dolls and dress ups. It has made such a difference. When I walk by it, it just puts a smile on my face. Oh, and I think London likes it, too;) Thank you husband, for making your wife sublimely happy!! I have just a few more finishing touches and things to hang, and phew. 2 rooms down, 4 to go!

Of course, I got the painting bug, so I redid the kids bathroom pure and simple white. It just looks so clean and fresh, I LOVE it! (Plus there was free white paint left over in the garage) Now 3 rooms to go...

By the way, it was an icky light tan to begin with. Way icky.


Liz said...

SO CUTE!!! i want to come over and play dress ups too!

mk said...

Way Cute. So ambitious!! Love it. Can't wait to see the pink room!

Cliff and Courtney's Family said...

it all looks so great! you guys have been busy!! i love how your bathroom turned out it looks awesome!

Brooke Allison said...

So cute! love the new paint colors!

Redd family said...

I'm so impressed! Did Morgan drop out of residency? Im lucky to get matt to hang a picture! Londons room is adorable - love all the pink!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I love the colors in all the rooms. You guys did great!

Amber said...

Look at you, Lindsay! Supermom, supercute, and the decorating queen. :) thanks for sending me a blog invite...I can't wait to keep browsing! :)

Amber said...

I already commented, then I think I closed it, but I am not sure...I was just commenting on how cute the rooms you have done are, and how cute you and your family are. :) Thanks for the blog invite.