Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Trip to Tampa

Morgan had a DO Conference in Tampa this past weekend so we thought we'd make the most of it and all go down together. We stayed at an amazing hotel, the Intercontinental. The kids loved the rooftop pool and glass elevators. Actually London HATED the elevators at first but loved them after a few rides. On Saturday Morgan's meetings ended early so we got to hit Fort De Soto beach. We spent most of the day hitting the waves, collecting shells, playing paddle ball, and just lounging. We got to meet some friends from AZ, the Heatons, for dinner (at Smokey Bones?? Delish!) and it was good to catch up with them!
On Sunday when Morgan finished with the conference we headed over to Costco (of course!) and then on to John's Pass. It's a little beach front village with a boardwalk where you can see pelicans, fishing boats, shop and of course, eat tons of seafood. So while we didn't do much besides check out the birds, it was still really a neat little town and I'm glad we took the time to go and see it.
I love that Morgan likes to venture out and take advantage of all the great things we've got around us. Thanks, babe, for an awesome weekend!!

London freaking out on the elevator ride...

Max on the roof top by the pool overlooking the ocean.

Look at those guns!!

Teaching London the rules of paddle ball...

London doesn't like to be told what to do.

Getting better every trip!

John's Pass

In front of some cute "candy and sweets" shops. ....mmm...fudge....

Ugly ugly pelicans.

More cute shops...Max and London loved all the giant turtle and pelican statues they had everywhere.

Overlooking the Pass

Eating out with the Heaton's...good times!


mk said...

Thanks for sharing. Nice to see what you are up to. Kids look so cute together. Little buddies!

Redd family said...

How fun! I'm jealous of your mini-vacays! That is such a perk! Loving Max the bodysurfer, he is awesome! Miss you guys.

Liz said...

whatever, pelicans are cool! you guys are cute!

Nat Heaton said...

Thanks so much for meeting us for dinner. It was good to chat with someone who understands residency life! Next time you are down let's BBQ at our place...then the kids can play and run wild and the adults can actually get to finish a conversation!

Keri said...

How fun! We went to John's Pass last year and it is cute and fun. Glad you guys got to get out and have some fun.