Thursday, October 07, 2010

Weekend Visitors

We were lucky enough to have the Mathie's come down for a few days this last week and loved showing them around our new little town!
We got to do all one does in Gainesville: Visit Haile Plantation, see the Gators at Paynes Prairie, go to "The Swamp", and of course, eat and shop! Morgan had to work almost the entire time they were here, so Poor Papa Mark went around the house and did some minor "repairs" and yard work. Major improvements!!
The kids were spoiled with toys and attention and definitely sad to see them go. Max cried a good part of the way home and had to wear my sunglasses so we wouldn't see. Thanks for the fun visit, we loved having you guys!!

London LOVES the new Gator Grammie bought her...can't ya tell??

All of us at the Farmer's Market in the Village at Haile.

Payne's Prairie

Eating with Dr. Morgan at the hospital for lunch.

"The Swamp"

Eating out at yummy spots like Five Guys, Sony's BBQ, and Jimmy John's.

Shopping in Jacksonville...the kids LOVED the pond with turtles, fish, and ducks. Reminded me of AZ.

Max just kept saying over and over again how sad he was to see them go. He was worried about the good-bye scence from the day they got here. He can't wait for a trip up to see his Utah family!!

1 comment:

mk said...

So So cute. Glad you got to see some of your "folks"!