Friday, August 20, 2010

Max's Preschool Orientation

Max in front of his new school...

and of course London wanted in on the picture taking...

2 of the cutest kids around:) Ok, I'm biased.

Some classroom shots:

Wow...Big day! I know it's not the "first day of school" but I thought I might be able to take more classroom shots. He LOVED his new school and the weekend can't go by fast enough for him. Wish us luck!

And on a side note...thanks gramma Lewis for the back-to-school stuff! Max and London are enjoying their pez's as I post:) and Max is LOVING those mechanical pencils! Thanks for remembering his big day!


Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh my I'm so excited for Max too! You're going to be so smart Max! Love you!

mk said...

So cute. Thanks for sharing.

Redd family said...

what a darling school! max is gonna love it! (and you will too ;)!)

mk said...

SO adorable! London sticks very close by.

Brooke Allison said...

Yeah for preschool! So cute!

Norton Family said...

first of all London looks just like you! and second of all... your baby is getting so big! i can't believe he's in preschool. seriously so adorable.