Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trip to La Chua Sink

Yesterday Morgan and I took the kids to the La Chua Sink, it's kind of an alligator habitat. Let me just say, the pictures do not do these alligators justice...they were HUGE. I am not kidding, I was terrified. There is a lookout set up and you go and just kind of look over the water and wait. That's when you see bubbles start emerging and slowly a gigantic head breaks the surface...and bit by bit, he completely floats to the top of the water. And whoa. They are every bit as scary as people make them out to be. They would come right up to the lookout terrace and just stare at us. Like they were plotting. Over the hour we were there, we saw about 6 different ones, one small one that wasn't so terrifying, but the others were bigger than Morgan. I'm glad I waited to take the kids until he could come. I think I would have had a nervous breakdown there without him. The kids definitely thought it was amazing. London actually got a little too hot and tired at the end and sulked the whole walk back to the car. I started teasing her and she got even madder! She folded her arms, pouted her lip, stuck her chin in the air, and stalked off. Oh, London Lewis cakes, you make us laugh! (That's Max's nickname for her, by the way)

Monday, August 23, 2010

First day!

Max's first day went great! He loves his class, loves his teacher, and loves having a break from me...sniff sniff.
It was a relief that at the end of school, he was excited to see me and come home. London and I were glad to have him back!!

His brand new school!

Thanks for my awesome shoes, Grammie Mathie!

At the fountain in front of his school...doesn't he look thrilled?!

Finding his cubby to put his backpack in.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Max's Preschool Orientation

Max in front of his new school...

and of course London wanted in on the picture taking...

2 of the cutest kids around:) Ok, I'm biased.

Some classroom shots:

Wow...Big day! I know it's not the "first day of school" but I thought I might be able to take more classroom shots. He LOVED his new school and the weekend can't go by fast enough for him. Wish us luck!

And on a side note...thanks gramma Lewis for the back-to-school stuff! Max and London are enjoying their pez's as I post:) and Max is LOVING those mechanical pencils! Thanks for remembering his big day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Clearwater Beach

I love that Morgan has weekends off because it means we get to explore our new area! Yesterday we headed to Clearwater Beach and hung out at Pier 60. This beach is pretty far south, past Tampa and Orlando. We were in the car about 2 1/2 hours and by the time we got there, the kids were ready to get out and play. It was a beautiful day and the water was ridiculously warm so it was nice to just sit in the ocean and let the kids get smacked around by the waves. Max had a "reward" jar this week and earned himself a boogie board, which he loved laying on in the shallow area and riding some mini waves. London's favorite part of the day was when she discovered she could do the same thing just laying on her tummy with the waves pushing her around. That was hilarious to watch!
We walked around the fun little shops afterwards and only then got a map to see how cool Clearwater really is. Next time we are definitely going to head further down the coast to see some of the fun attractions and other beaches.
And of course, we ended our day with a quick trip to Costco. After we finally found it (thanks, GPS mom!) we spent some time enjoying samples, stocking up on diapers, and eating some dinner before the 2 1/2 hr drive back.
Such a beautiful beach, lots more crowded than Augustine and Crescent, but lots more to do. We'll be back for sure!

Rainy Days

The rain here is insane! Sometimes it's HUGE raindrops that feel like someone is just throwing buckets of water on you. This usually lasts about 5 mins. Other times the rain is misty and feels like the hose is set to "spray". It's just enough to get you damp and ruin your hair. The kids prefer the misty rain because generally there is no lightening. So, here we are getting damp and ruining my hair;)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dad caught a what??

Max is always so excited to find things outdoors. Like today, he saw a kitten climbing a tree...totally made his morning. So, you can imagine how thrilled he was (me not so much) when Morgan found a frog out in the backyard and brought it in to show the kids. London liked it but Max kind of freaked her out when she tried to touch him (someone told him frogs were poisonous), and so she kept clear. Max loved it but didn't want to touch it. Trying to be brave myself, I offered to touch it first to show it was ok. Cringing and shaking, I petted the little thing and stood back to watch Max. I barely got the picture he was so fast, but I was proud of him and was grateful he said we should let him go.
Who needs a zoo? We've got a full-on amphibian exhibit in the backyard. Next wild animal we want to see, alive I should add, is an armadillo. Wish us luck:)


Seriously, I say that over and over ALL DAY LONG. She is my little trouble maker, whether it be finding her with a rogue marker getting ready to draw on the walls (probably an improvement!), pulling Max's hair (not a problem anymore!) or having her get away before her face or HANDS get cleaned off, it's always something with her.
But really. Look at that face. She KNOWS she can do whatever she wants and still be adored.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Hair today, gone tomorrow!

Max was very nervous (and very brave!) at first, but loved it afterwards. London was TERRIFIED we were going to do her next! She wouldn't go near the tub.