Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

My friend Brooke reminded us it was Dr. Seuss' birthday today so of course, we watched good ol' Horton Hears a Who while making little clovers. At first we painted pencils green, thinking I would attach the pom poms to the top. Then, duh! While they were drying I decided to just use green pipe cleaner! A lot less mess and I didn't feel so bad when we left Max's at the park and London promptly ate her pom pom right off. It was fun, though, and especially cute was tonight when Max asked if we were going to have birthday cake with "The doctor zues or just leave it out for him and the reindeer?" Maybe next year I'll be a bit more organized and actually be able to explain who Dr. Seuss is;)


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

So fun! When I read your post I thought it said, you left Max at the park. Not his clover.

Danielle O. said...

Okay you are the best mom ever! Will you adopt my son so that he can be part of the good life? Actually maybe I just need you to be his preschool teacher but the kids are cute as ever and the birthday bash looked fun. I love what Max said about the reindeer!

Also, are you dying!?! Is it one more week or two? I am sending the match gods some Pennsylvania vibes...sorry Morgan!

Norton Family said...

so cute! such fun ideas! Spencer got to meet "Dr. Seuss" at school. He had a ball but i think your crafts were cuter!

Gygi Family said...

Hi Lindsay! Hey Kim and I want the pattern for the CUTE twirly skirt. Will you email me or let Becky know. You are such a creative girl! It is so fun to look at your blog and see Max and London. They are getting SO big. We are excited to see where you end up! Best of Luck!

Megan said...

Hello! It's March...you find out where you're going this month!! Should we get together for dinner on Sunday?? Finally getting around to planning this. :)

Liz said...

i'm surprised you didn't throw in something about how your baby sister now has the name horton for a last name and somehow incorporated me into the festivities. i'm kinda disappointed actually.
way cute pictures!