Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Learning to read

With Max getting closer and closer to going to preschool, I've been trying to buckle down and work on his reading. Here are some things we've been doing lately.
(Any other suggestions would be fully appreciated!)

Max has been really getting good at recognizing letters and sounds, so when my friend Sarah gave us a bunch of phonic cards from Jack's preschool, I was stoked! I copied them and now put 3 up on the board every week for Max to learn. We just go over them a few minutes every day and at the end of the week change them out. It's fun and I'm hoping beneficial:)

This idea came from a blog I found. She is AMAZING and has great ideas for teaching your kids in creative ways. I LOVE these cards. I just made them and Max had a blast going through them over lunch today. We were hysterical over the made up words it can make but it's good for recognizing ending words. I recommend this to anyone with reading age kids. And check out her blog, it's fully awesome!

1 comment:

aunna said...

I am a friend of the vandersteens and saw this great idea about the word families on paint strips. HOwever, I cannot find any long strips or single strips at home depot. Where did you find yours to make them?


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