Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Officially a Gator fan

Morgan and I just got back from our little vaca to Gainesville, FL. Morgan took me there to check out the city and show me where he lived for an entire month. We went to the hospital to meet everyone that had helped him set up his rotation and worked with him while he was there. They were so nice and friendly, definitely a change from Midwestern, that's for sure!

Cutest little area, Haile Plantation

In front of our B&B (it was FREEZING!)

Morgan took me to eat at 101 Downtown, which has the most amazing hamburgers and strawberry crepes...they were insanely good.

We had a great time and I have to thank Grammie and Papa Mark again and again for coming down and staying with the kids. They had a great time and can't stop talking about all the fun things you did! Max had to show me your chalk "art" and re-enact all of his favorite moments of your stay. Thanks again!!


mk said...

Glad you had a good trip. So glad you are safely back! It's going to be exciting!

Evensen Family said...

Sounds like a fun getaway. I forgot that you guys are going through the whole interview process now. How's it going? Where are you guys looking to move? Such an exciting time! Good luck

Danielle O. said...

Looks fun! I have always wanted to stay at a b&b, did you like it? I can totally see you guys there and totally see us visiting you there! ha ha. But wasn't it such a nice change to be in a cute town with some culture and history?!

Redd family said...

Glad you had a great time! I'm sure FREEZING in Florida is still better than FREEZING in Iowa, Matt's still all about it! So fun to see where we'll all end up!

hilary said...

that will be so fun to live in florida! congrats. :)

Jenny said...

YOU ARE SO PRETTY!!! Florida, huh. Most couples who haven't gotten away from their kids for 4 years go someplace cool. Like Wendover. (Haha. That's making fun of Tracie....)
Looks like a cute place. Who knows. Maybe we'll come see you there!
Max & London rule. How cute are they.