Friday, January 15, 2010

First soccer game!

Max had his first soccer game last week and boy wasn't that fun! Within minutes he was done and wanted to go home. But, he was a good sport and ran around with the other pack of kids. His favorite part was running through the parent tunnel at the end. And of course, the snacks:) Can't wait to see what the next game brings!

Max and his good buddy, Andrew

Parent Tunnel at the end of the game

Gettin' his head in the game

Seriously, why do they keep blowing the whistle???

A little nervous so he's holding Andrew's hand

Toughin' it out

scratchin' an itch...

Time to go, London!!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

If he throws a cartwheel in there, then Addie and I will come and cheer!
Looks like fun!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Hahaha...that is too cute! Are they playing in dirt/gravel/sand?? Too bad it's not grass like good old Utah, but then again he wouldn't be playing now. GO MAX, you're the best!! Love you!

mk said...

Love it. So wish we could be there. Pictures help.....THANKS!

Jenny said...

Ok, this just CRACKS ME UP! He is so darn cute! (By the way, Kate is all confused. She doesn't understand why it's ok to hug and kiss Max good-bye but not Eli down in the basement at GWAMMA's. Um, next time you're here, could you please put the playroom UPSTAIRS at Mom's????????????

what a little team player. Love the itch.

Norton Family said...

oh that is the cutest thing EVER! he looks so adorable in his little uniform. WAY TO GO MAX!!!! i seriously havne't laughed so hard!

Liz said...

sooo cute!