Saturday, July 04, 2009

Newport Beach

Cheesecake Factory night we got in

Family pic at the Marriott Villa, where we stayed

Fish pond at the Villa

Ferry Ride to Balboa

Park down by the Pier

Our favorite, Ruby's!

This picture is making me crave a diet cherry coke...!

We got to go do some work at the beautiful Newport Temple. Loved it!

London and Aunt Tracie

Playin with dad

Hangin' in the condo

London and Johnny

Jonas, Aunt Lindsey, and London at the beach. Gonna get those toes!!

Getting some beach time with the Mathie's

Beach Babe

Fam pic at the beach with the Mathie's

Gramma and London in Laguna

Disneyland (yea, Jenn wasn't there so I don't have any pix. At first I was kind of bummed, then I remembered that this WAS London's third time...)

Fashion Island, of course

Johnny taking a swim at Fashion Island

Auntie Liz giving the boys some love

Max is now fearless of water. He LOVED the pools and hot tub at the place we stayed, it was a fight every time we had to go!


mk said...

Picture of Max "flying' into his dad's arms...PRICELESS! SO cute. Also love the one of Max with his arms around Spence and Kate. He IS officially the "protector man". Max I have a Spiderman toothbrush for when you come and stay again!! LOVEYOUGUYS!

Jenn said...

Ok, why haven't you email ME your pictures??? Rude!
Love the picture of Max jumping to Morgan in the pool- that is awesome. Way fun trip. Nice that you didn't complain about your roommates... :)

Marita said...

Greetings from the Mathie's in New Hampshire! It's so great to stay in touch with you all via your blog! The kids are growing so fast. Love to you all! Marita, Robert and Jesse

Jenn said...

Ok, re-reading this and looking at the pictures, I just have to laugh at what you wrote about me not being at Disneyland. I was wondering where you got all those great shots! :)