Sunday, July 05, 2009


We just got back from our trip to Utah for my sister's wedding. It was such a beautiful day and Liz, you were a GORGEOUS bride! Thanks for letting us be a part of it!!

Thank you thank you thank you to the Mathie's for watching the kids for me, I would have gone insane without you!!


mk said...

SO CUTE. Great pictures of London!

Redd family said...

what beautiful pictures! loved your dress!

Jenn said...

SO dang cute! I especially enjoy the pictures I took (the ones of your fam turned out cute. you and morgan at the temple is a cute one!) Um, why didn't I have Mark & Becky take MY kids????? That would have been AWESOME! Sad you're gone, but we'll see you again soon, I'm sure!

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

How fun!! Aren't family weddings great? I'm glad you guys had a good trip and everything went well!

Jenn said...

You haaaad to pick the ugly picture of me, didn't you. HAAAAD to.