Saturday, July 18, 2009

Beating the heat

Here are a few things we've been up to these past few weeks...

4th of July Fun

We had such a fun 4th of July complete with BBQ, friends, and fireworks.

Naked tunnel fun

Seriously, do I need to say anything?

Jawbreaker fun

I found Max and London sharing this the other day. Such a nice older brother, huh?

Park fun (more like heat stroke fun...)

Isn't this funny? Max thought it was hilarious that Morgan was climbing up the tunnel slide. Notice the color of Max's face...yea, we'd only been there about 10 minutes.

Backyard baseball fun

Fun until the ants start biting.

Hide and Seek fun

London is always chasing Bandit around the house and grabbing his tail. Bandit is such a good sport and just puts up with it. He's such a good dog!


mk said...

Looks like a lot of fun. So glad we get to see your fun adventures! Makes it a little easier that you are so far away.

Jenn said...

Ok, these are too cute. I love the fireworks ones and the couch all over the living room floor one. Seriously looks like you guys are having a blast. And at least Max won't have heat stroke when he comes up for a visit!!
(London, you are too cute. That picture of you chasing Bandit is soooo funny!!!)