Saturday, July 18, 2009

Visit from Uncle Jeff

My brother Jeff came down to Phoenix for a meeting and we were lucky enough to get to spend some time with him. We did all of the Arizona favorites: Swimming, eating at a fun restaurant (thanks again, Jeff!) and a trip to Last Chance, all in one afternoon! Max was so tired he fell asleep before he could say good-bye and the next day woke up and said "Where's Uncle Jeff? He's going to take me swimming!" It took a little reassuring that he'd get to see him soon before he got over it. It was really cute though. It's not so bad living down here until you really think about all the fun times the kids miss out getting to know cousins, and aunts and uncles. And not to mention grandparents. . .
Anyways, it was a fun night and we were glad for the visit!
Ps. I'm so sad that I didn't take a picture with Jeff and his sweet Camaro. It was awesome!

Swimming at San Lagos

Dinner at Kona Grill, courtesy of Uncle Jeff..suh-weet!

1 comment:

mk said...

Yeah Jeff!! The "boy" man!