Friday, May 29, 2009

7 months old!

Our little girl is a not so little, today she is 7 months old. Good grief, I feel like I'm still catching up on the sleep I lost after she was born!
A few of her tricks:
-crawling over to the coffee table and pulling herself up, then taking a few steps alongside the table
-trying finger foods (cut up bananas, etc.)
-not wanting to take naps and emphasizing by standing in her crib and yelling at me
-crawling into the little alcoves in our living room and pulling toys down on top of her
-looking more and more like her Aunt Lindsey
-becomming impossible to change on the changing table
-telling me she doesn't want to eat by pursing her lips while spitting at me (still can't figure out how she does that?!)
-laughing at herself constantly

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

singing in the rain

We had a rare treat last weekend, a little rainstorm to break up the streak of 100 degree days we'd been having. Max was in heaven!

3rd year is (basically) over!

To celebrate, Sean and Siri had a bunch of 3rd years (now 4th years!) over for a BBQ. The kids were a riot, running around out back and playing Rock Band. Thanks, Siri, for the great night! You're an amazing host!
Also I just want to tell everyone how proud I am of Morgan (and all the 3rd years). I don't know how you get through some of those rotations and tests, it makes me realize I need to complain less about staying home in my pajamas.
ps. I had to take a picture of the beautiful fruit arrangement Morgan made. I'm telling you, this guy has talent!

Such a big girl!

Enjoying a diet coke (for Gramma!)

This is how I found her in the middle of the night last week

Cruising with Max (In Addie's sweet ride!)

Drinking from a sippy (sort of...)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Learning to let go...

Max has come to the horrible realization that London is now old enough to play with "his" baby toys. He's having a hard time adjusting.

Mommy's girl

The other night she crawled across the room to come and lay down on me. It's so hard to think she will be a toddler soon and say things like "naughty mom!" (like some other toddler I know...)

Love this girl!

Isn't she so sweet?!

Beatin' the heat

The backyard pool is always a hit. Notice how he's pointing at Jack? He probably thinks I was coming to yell at them and was getting ready to blame Jack. Such a nice friend.

At the splash parks with yes, all 8 kids.
-my little bobblehead

-Um, should I have some of Huntie's fries?

-Sportin' Parker's woggle goggles (yes, I know they are supposed to be wobble goggles, but Max prefers woggle goggles.)

After YEARS of being afraid of the water, the little dude finally gets brave and starts horsing around at San Lagos, only to be kicked out by the apartment managers. Suh-weet.


Yes, I'll admit it. When we've run out of coke and had to buy what is on sale, I've been known to drink a Pepsi or 2. But I don't like it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Morgan!

Wow, 7 years already?! They've been amazing! Love you, babe!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What we've been up to...

Monday was Max's last tumbling class. He sure had fun while it lasted!

Loving our hooded towel! Thanks, Siri!

Just playin' (and cleaning) at home. Oh, and working on crawling...more to come...

And of course, the big Father's and son's campout this past weekend. The boys had a ball roasting marshmallows and running around outside while the girls had a ball out shopping up at the outlets.