Wednesday, May 27, 2009

3rd year is (basically) over!

To celebrate, Sean and Siri had a bunch of 3rd years (now 4th years!) over for a BBQ. The kids were a riot, running around out back and playing Rock Band. Thanks, Siri, for the great night! You're an amazing host!
Also I just want to tell everyone how proud I am of Morgan (and all the 3rd years). I don't know how you get through some of those rotations and tests, it makes me realize I need to complain less about staying home in my pajamas.
ps. I had to take a picture of the beautiful fruit arrangement Morgan made. I'm telling you, this guy has talent!


Marita said...

We're all proud of Morgan too! Congratulations and hang in there!

Marita, Robert and Jesse Mathie

mk said...

Congratulations Morgan!! So glad another year is behind you. You have done an amazing job!