Saturday, April 04, 2009

Present Time!

The big 3!!

Favorite breakfast, love those blueberries!!

These are all mine?!!

Cool new tent and tunnel! Thanks Grammie and Papa Mark!

Seriously, this is so cool!

Wait, what the? It sticks! AWESOME! Thanks Uncle Taylor and Arica!

My new knight costume and fish book! Thanks Gramma and Papa Bill!

Any of those presents for me??

Chick-fil-a for dinner was a hit!

Max definitely had a laid back birthday this year. For some reason I was too overwhelmed with the idea of throwing him a theme party and I'm glad I ended up not doing it as 2 of the 4 friends were sick on his actual b-day and wouldn't have come anyways. So, such it is. He had a ball playing with his gifts (and his best buddy Jack Redd) all day so thank you everyone for spoiling him. He had a great birthday!


mk said...

So glad he had a fun day!! He is a DOLL!!

Liz said...

yay, happy birthday max!! hopefully we can all be there with him for his next one!

Jenn said...

Oh, looks like so much fun... I'm just sad little miss london didn't have MY gift to open in time... oh well. What a cute family you have!