Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy 6 months, London! (yesterday)

Yesterday London turned 6 months old. We went in for her doctor appt and found out she weighs almost 16 lbs.(50th%) and is 27" long (94th%). She did not like her shots, obviously, but only cried for a second afterwards. And of course, Max yelled at the nurse who gave her the shots. He is a very protective older brother.
We also had Max's check-up to save on visits. The doctor was very impressed with his 50th% for height and 25th% for weight. He said that kids are getting so chubby these days that it's better to be under average than above average because the average is leaning toward obese. I thought that was very interesting. Max definitely eats his fair share of fruit and vegetables, that's for sure!
I really am so blessed to have 2 amazing and healthy kids. They are so sweet and so loving. And it's an added bonus that they adore each other:) They make me smile every day (some days more than others) and I am so grateful to have them.


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said... mean Connor is OBESE??? Shocking! :)
Cute little kiddies.

Z Family said...

Growing up SOOOO fast!!

mk said...

Such a sweet post. DARLING pictures!! CUTE kids!

mk said...

Looks SO cute in the polka dots!! LOVE her cute little face. See you SOON!!