Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weren't you just there?!

Ruby's on the Pier

Morgan showing off his mad buzz skills...level 7...impressive!

Cruisin in the Jungle

Rainforest Cafe with the crew

London giving Jonas love

Lovin the baby bjorn!

Can you see Max's head over the teacup??

Matching Cousins! Thanks, Grammie!

Good-bye Disneyland!

And so for the 2nd time in almost as many months, we went back to Disneyland. We met up with Morgan's family for an awesome weekend trip and loved getting to see everyone. Of course we stopped by Ruby's on the first night and enjoyed a burger and shake. Then it was straight Disneyland for the next 3 days. The first day we took it easy, riding on Matterhorn first (Max even got a toy for being brave, courtesy of dad), and spending the day on the rides and waiting for Fantasmic. The next day was sunny and we split up the day by going to both parks and riding a lot more rides. Grammie bought the cousins ADORABLE matching Mickey shirts (thanks, Grammie!) and it was cute seeing them all together. On the 3rd and final day, we woke up early and headed to Wilma's over on Balboa. The Mathie's love the breakfasts there and so it's quickly becomming a tradition. We headed back to the parks and after lunch said a sad good-bye to Grammie, Papa, Uncle Taylor, and Arica. Morgan took them to the airport and luckily Lindsey, Whit, and Logan helped me with Max and London so we could stay and go on some more rides over at California Adventure. Whit and Lindsey even watched Max and London while Morgan and I went on California Soarin'. (Sad to say she screamed the entire time...sorry guys!) Then we headed over to Disneyland and finished off with dinner at the Plaza, fireworks, and Alice in Wonderland. Thanks, Grammie and Papa for a GREAT trip! We can't wait to see you guys again, maybe for another little weekend getaway!:)


Liz said...

CUTE pictures!! i can't wait for june! for disneyland with my nieces and nephews, not the wedding... but i guess i'm pretty excited about that too. :)

mk said...

Looks like you had a great time!!

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

Such a fun trip! I love the beach picture ... there's nothing better!