Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day is right!

So sweet in her green, thanks Aunt Lindsey!

Love the outfit, Uncle Scott! Perfect in this weather!

Here I am! Max sportin' his new swimsuit. There was no green and he was concerned he was going to get pinched. . . he kept running from us saying "don't pinch me!"

Laying out with dad

We had such a fun St. Patrick's day! Morgan had the day off so that made it even more special. We woke up with Max and found a leprechaun had left 3 leaf clovers all over the house with a "treasure" of coins and tic tacs (yes this boy is easily pleased!) The funny thing was Max really only wanted to hunt for Shamrocks so Morgan and I just kept throwing them around different rooms and letting him pick them up again. He was so excited! After our "green" breakfast (Max LOVED green milk. He kept asking for the "green glass") we all got decked out in our green and headed out to shop at the rack. London looked so cute in her new outfit from Aunt Lindsey! After lunch we then went over for some swimming at San Lagos (thanks, Carli!) Max was so excited to see Addie and couldn't stop laughing at her jumping into the pool. I wish he was as brave as her, but he's still warming up to the idea of even being in the water let alone doing any sort of actual swimming. Oh well.
We finished off the day with some yummy green dinner and a fast-forwarded edition of Hercules, a fav of Max's. Now the real planning of Max's birthday party can begin...

On a side note: This morning I was getting ready, I overheard Max tell Morgan the following:
"Dad, London's my girl. She likes me, too. She laughs at me. I love her."
Melted my heart!


mk said...

Please write that down somewhere. That is SOOO sweet. Thanks for getting the ties. Seems like you had quite a bit going on. THANKS!!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

We loved seeing you guys today! Addie loves showing off for her Max! London's oufit was darling too. We do have cute kids!!! :)
Let's plan a outlet day this week.

Criscell said...

What a fabulous day you guys had!! Do you know that I totally forgot it was St. Patrick's day until the day was half over?? Oops! We almost went swimming today, but decided not to. Sounds like you all had a party there!

Danielle O. said...

I love Max's "don't pinch me" pose! He cracks me up and yes, London looks like the sweetest thing ever. Only a few more weeks until the not so terrible two's are over!! Wow.

Norton Family said...

oh my word! London is gorgeous! and i can only imagine little max running around saying "don't pinch me!!" such cute kids. i miss them!! and what a cute crafty mom you are. Days like this make the rest seem bearable.

Liz said...

london gets cuter with each post. and of course max does too! way cute! thanks for getting the little boys ties, they're going to love them!

Carlie and Ryan Skinner said...

thanks for the dinners. feel free to keep them coming. jk! come use the pool anytime!

Marita said...

What a cute family! Enjoy your swimming pool weather and think of the unfortunate relatives who live in New England.... cold!!!