Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where did the week go?!

For FHE this week, we talked about Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He spent the whole lesson coloring a paper bag, not knowing I had cut out holes in it to make it a "coat". As soon as the lesson was over, I tried putting it on him but he was not too excited about it. At least until he got his sword to go with it.

This week in "school" we learned about farm animals and Max learned how to "milk" a cow (aka a latex glove filled with milk). What a hit!

We spent a morning up at the Anthem outlets and Train Park. Too long of a wait for the train so the kids enjoyed a few "quarter" rides on the spaceship and horsey. These kids are so easily entertained, I love it!

And of course lots of swimming! Abbie and Josh put together a fun "3 year" party at the pool today and we had a blast! Max kept walking around with half of his butt hanging out and of course I was too slow with the camera. It was a riot!

We finally got together with Dave and Danielle for dinner (congrats Dave on matching!!). Max adores Luke and had such a blast teaching him how to really make a mess with toys. Luke is so cute and we wish we got to see him more! After they left Max kept saying "I play with Wuke tomorrow, k, mom?" (By the way, they got in the tub b/c it was late and waaaay past both of their bedtimes. Danielle I hope you don't care I posted this picture!!)

Already best friends

Sweet, a new toothbrush! Wait, it vibrates?! Weird...

Ahh...we love having dad around more often. YAY for an awesome rotation!


Wilson Family said...

what a fun week you had! and yes, rotations where dad can be home more are THE BEST! your kids are growing up so much and they are absolutely adorable!

Z Family said...

You guys have been having a BLAST!! I wanna come over to your house.... latex glove, GREAT idea!!

mk said...

SOO SOO cute. Thanks for sharing. Helps to feel closer when we are SO far away.

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Our favorite part was the delicious dinner at Oregano's!

Danielle O. said...

Wow, we really did destroy your house! Thanks again it was so great to see you guys. Luke LOVES his buddy Maa and I might have to steal that bath picture, it is so cute.

Brooke Allison said...

You are such a great mom. Look at you doing so many great things with Max. Can't wait to get together.

Josh, Abbie, Tienna and Kiara said...

Such cute pictures! I loved Max's shorts on Saturday, when I think about it it still makes me laugh!

Liz said...

look at max's face in that last picture! priceless!