Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, handsomest Maximus!





Where has the time gone?

Monday, March 30, 2009

5 months old!!

I can't believe she's already 5 months old! We love our little duchess!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fun at the pool

Relaxing on the "beach"

Sweet lil' sis

Guys swimmin' with the kiddos

Getting help blowing out his 3 candles!!

The kids are big enough to pull each other around now. We LOVE that!

Max did not want Luke to go home, they wanted to have a sleepover on the couch...

Max LOVED getting to play with his best buddies at the pool Saturday and then again at our house later that night for his BBQ birthday dinner. Thanks, everyone, for the fun day!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cavities? Really?

Afterwards I told him I thought he had been really brave to which he replied, "I wasn't brave, I was scared."

Cleaning all the "sugar-bugs"

What did they just put in my mouth!?!

We are SO ready to go home!

Max had his first visit to the Dentist today. He got the works, too. The dental assistant (I apologize if that is not what they are called) was so sweet to him and explained everything she was going to do before she did it, which seemed to help him out. He actually even liked the water squirter, air blower thing at the end of the cleaning. He was even smiling as she rinsed out his mouth. I was relieved, as the first dental visit can really scar a child.
Of course no one wants to admit that they have ever done anything wrong as a parent but here it is: I am lousy at taking care of Max's teeth. Although we brush his teeth every night, it wasn't enough. He has 4 cavities, one in each molar. He has to go in to a ped. dentist to be "put under" (really, they can't come up with a better term!?!) and get them filled. This is when the guilt really kicks in as a mom and I wish I could have my teeth removed with pliers rather than have to put him through any sort of traumatic experience.
So, to all of you out there with kids, make sure you use flouride toothpaste (a pea-sized amount, make sure they spit!), floss every day, and limit juice. Max never drinks juice, but apparently candy has the same effect. Who knew?!:)

Rock on!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where did the week go?!

For FHE this week, we talked about Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. He spent the whole lesson coloring a paper bag, not knowing I had cut out holes in it to make it a "coat". As soon as the lesson was over, I tried putting it on him but he was not too excited about it. At least until he got his sword to go with it.

This week in "school" we learned about farm animals and Max learned how to "milk" a cow (aka a latex glove filled with milk). What a hit!

We spent a morning up at the Anthem outlets and Train Park. Too long of a wait for the train so the kids enjoyed a few "quarter" rides on the spaceship and horsey. These kids are so easily entertained, I love it!

And of course lots of swimming! Abbie and Josh put together a fun "3 year" party at the pool today and we had a blast! Max kept walking around with half of his butt hanging out and of course I was too slow with the camera. It was a riot!

We finally got together with Dave and Danielle for dinner (congrats Dave on matching!!). Max adores Luke and had such a blast teaching him how to really make a mess with toys. Luke is so cute and we wish we got to see him more! After they left Max kept saying "I play with Wuke tomorrow, k, mom?" (By the way, they got in the tub b/c it was late and waaaay past both of their bedtimes. Danielle I hope you don't care I posted this picture!!)

Already best friends

Sweet, a new toothbrush! Wait, it vibrates?! Weird...

Ahh...we love having dad around more often. YAY for an awesome rotation!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day is right!

So sweet in her green, thanks Aunt Lindsey!

Love the outfit, Uncle Scott! Perfect in this weather!

Here I am! Max sportin' his new swimsuit. There was no green and he was concerned he was going to get pinched. . . he kept running from us saying "don't pinch me!"

Laying out with dad

We had such a fun St. Patrick's day! Morgan had the day off so that made it even more special. We woke up with Max and found a leprechaun had left 3 leaf clovers all over the house with a "treasure" of coins and tic tacs (yes this boy is easily pleased!) The funny thing was Max really only wanted to hunt for Shamrocks so Morgan and I just kept throwing them around different rooms and letting him pick them up again. He was so excited! After our "green" breakfast (Max LOVED green milk. He kept asking for the "green glass") we all got decked out in our green and headed out to shop at the rack. London looked so cute in her new outfit from Aunt Lindsey! After lunch we then went over for some swimming at San Lagos (thanks, Carli!) Max was so excited to see Addie and couldn't stop laughing at her jumping into the pool. I wish he was as brave as her, but he's still warming up to the idea of even being in the water let alone doing any sort of actual swimming. Oh well.
We finished off the day with some yummy green dinner and a fast-forwarded edition of Hercules, a fav of Max's. Now the real planning of Max's birthday party can begin...

On a side note: This morning I was getting ready, I overheard Max tell Morgan the following:
"Dad, London's my girl. She likes me, too. She laughs at me. I love her."
Melted my heart!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weren't you just there?!

Ruby's on the Pier

Morgan showing off his mad buzz skills...level 7...impressive!

Cruisin in the Jungle

Rainforest Cafe with the crew

London giving Jonas love

Lovin the baby bjorn!

Can you see Max's head over the teacup??

Matching Cousins! Thanks, Grammie!

Good-bye Disneyland!

And so for the 2nd time in almost as many months, we went back to Disneyland. We met up with Morgan's family for an awesome weekend trip and loved getting to see everyone. Of course we stopped by Ruby's on the first night and enjoyed a burger and shake. Then it was straight Disneyland for the next 3 days. The first day we took it easy, riding on Matterhorn first (Max even got a toy for being brave, courtesy of dad), and spending the day on the rides and waiting for Fantasmic. The next day was sunny and we split up the day by going to both parks and riding a lot more rides. Grammie bought the cousins ADORABLE matching Mickey shirts (thanks, Grammie!) and it was cute seeing them all together. On the 3rd and final day, we woke up early and headed to Wilma's over on Balboa. The Mathie's love the breakfasts there and so it's quickly becomming a tradition. We headed back to the parks and after lunch said a sad good-bye to Grammie, Papa, Uncle Taylor, and Arica. Morgan took them to the airport and luckily Lindsey, Whit, and Logan helped me with Max and London so we could stay and go on some more rides over at California Adventure. Whit and Lindsey even watched Max and London while Morgan and I went on California Soarin'. (Sad to say she screamed the entire time...sorry guys!) Then we headed over to Disneyland and finished off with dinner at the Plaza, fireworks, and Alice in Wonderland. Thanks, Grammie and Papa for a GREAT trip! We can't wait to see you guys again, maybe for another little weekend getaway!:)

First taste of cereal

London had her first taste of cereal last week and she was diggin' it! She was very interested that first night, and even Max got into it. Of course the next morning she wouldn't have a thing to do with it. Any time I would put the spoon near her mouth, she would purse her lips and spit it out. It was hilarious! Well, sort of. So on the recommendation of my awesome pediatrician, we tried rice with apples and she loves it! And now instead of a clean, 5 minute nursing, we get a 30 minute big sloppy mess. And so it goes!:)